ELASKON Unolit Spray Oil

ELASKON Unolit Spray Oil is a maintenance lubricant for wire ropes.

ELASKON Unolit Spray Oil is a maintenance lubricant for wire ropes. Properties: Unolit Spray Oil is used for the maintenance of miscellaneous wire ropes. The product contains graphite as solid lubricant and therefore offers excellent lubricating characteristics, especially in moving ropes. As recommended by leading rope manufacturers, splice knots may be protected with this product. It has very good creep characteristics and penetrates the rope completely. Processing: Unolit Spray Oil can be applied as delivered. Stir before use, shake spray cans well. Benefits: Optimal conservation and excellent wear protection.
Packages 175 kg, 17,5 kg, 600ml aerosol
Main usages Wire rope maintenance product
Application Stir before use. Spraying, brushing, rolling, etc.